In these last days we can live fearlessly, governed by peace. Jesus said, “My peace I give to you ….” and “in this world you will have tribulation, but fear not, for I have overcome the world.” Jn 14:27; Jn 16:33 To be able to live our lives in this manner, we must keep our thoughts focused on Christ. Paul admonishes believers to set their minds on heavenly, not earthly, things. Col. 3:2 The writer to the Hebrews tells us to consider Jesus and all He did for us, so we can stay strong and not become weary. Heb. 12:1-3 We are even told specifically what we are to stay focused on—those things that are good, true, just, lovely, and of a good report … . Phil. 4:8 We are to believe the Truth—God’s Word—over everything contrary to it and reject the opportunity to be anxious. 

Living focused on Christ means we live spiritually alert lives. Knowing that Jesus defeated our enemy aligns us with His victory. Keeping our minds and hearts focused on Christ is a choice of our wills. We can do it through Christ who gives us the strength!

We don’t ignore the negative and/or evil circumstances around us. Instead, we are ready to hit evil head-on through our fellowship with Jesus and His Word alive in our hearts. We know that the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty in God to pulling down enemy strongholds. 2 Cor. 10:4-5 We make the exchange of the bad with the good Word of God. 

For example, some years ago I was in the hospital room with a believing friend who was unable to speak up for herself at the time. As the doctors rotated into the room, all they could say were such things as this is bad, call the family, we don’t know anyone who has lived with this. The diagnosis was grim and, from the doctors’ point of view, pretty hopeless. We knew we had to address those negative words that, if reflected and meditated on, could cause doubt and unbelief to dominate. So, we thanked the doctors, and said, “She will live and not die. Our faith is based upon God’s Word. We believe that God will heal and restore according to His plan and purpose!  The Lord will do a miracle here. We trust Him. Thank you so much for doing all you know to do. We are praying for wisdom for you.” This believer chose life! 

One month later, she was talking, walking, and leaving one state to go to another for rehabilitation. She is about 9/10 fully recovered today. Her faith is active. She is on fire for God. She is full of the Word. She is a passionate witness and prays and sees others healed. She is a good example of facing the evil report and conquering it. One must keep focused on the life and vision of God rather than what the world’s system declares. It has not been easy for this believer, but her faith is in God alone, and she refuses to have less than God’s best for her life. What about you?

In 1 Samuel 17, the story of a youth named David defeating the giant, Goliath, is told in great detail. David had walked with God as a shepherd experiencing God’s enabling power to protect his flocks from predators. When a powerful foreign enemy came against the armies of Israel, the regiments—including King Saul—were afraid and intimidated. David was not. He chose to trust and believe in God’s power and goodness with him.

David’s response to the negative situation was to say, in part, "The LORD, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” Confident in faith, David ran to defeat his enemy. No matter what you may be facing today, choose God’s good word for your life. Keep your focus on Him. Replace the negative words of the enemy with the life-giving Word of God and allow His peace to reign over your mind and heart. It is His good plan for you.